Hello Everyone
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Nick and I had quite a busy but fun one this year. We got back from New York on Monday, worked Tuesday thru Thursday, Christmas Eve with the parents, Christmas with the Sakamotos’ and the day after with the Metz-Hansen-Browns’. It was great to spend time with everybody and to see everyone open their gifts.
I have decided that Christmas truly is my most favorite holiday, maybe because the weather is so great or maybe because of all the love people show one another but also because it is a clear reminder of how great our God is to send his only Son to live on Earth to experience the daily struggles like we all do everyday. It truly is a great time and even though it has been over commercialized as a gift giving holiday… I really don’t mind giving gifts and spending the money, doing the shopping, the wrapping, the cooking, etc. etc. I actually love giving gifts and what better reason to give gifts to people then Christmas time as a reminder of the gift God gave to us. Plus I love spending time with family and friends while sipping on hot cocoa and enjoying everyone’s Christmas decor. It truly is a wonderful time of year and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do or even half as much 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Sidenote about the photo:
One of the coolest things from our trip to NYC was that the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular not only showed the Santa aspect of Christmas but the Christ part of Christmas by including a complete live nativity with live camels and sheep and a quick story of Jesus…pretty awesome in this day and age.