So we have about 6 weeks left in California. It is really crazy to think about, but we are both very excited and anxious for the move to Indiana. Lately I have been struggling with the idea of leaving family and friends behind but mainly realizing that it is an end of an era of sorts for certain things in my life. I am very pleased with my life right now, we have a great routine of sorts, I like my job and the people I work with, I love our apartment and our awesome neighbors, I love my weekly girls’ nights and I know Nick loves his guys’ nights,  I enjoy spending our weekends with our friends and/or family, and I enjoy living in So Cal where we have access to everything we could ever want in a location (beaches, hiking spots, bike trails, pools, desert, forest, sun, etc. ). Therefore, it is hard to think that we will be leaving all of this for something completely new and different. We will be going from having very busy planned out weeks to having a completely open schedule. Of course I know we will make friends with new people and we will have new plans and new grounds to discover, but I know I will still miss this place where I have lived my whole life. In the same regards, I was really excited to have a very So Cal kind of day this past weekend. This was pretty much our last free Saturday until we arrive in Indiana and so we decided to make it a beach day since we don’t know when our next one will be. We started off by going to our most favorite breakfast burrito restaurant in Laguna Niguel called Teds, where we enjoyed some gigantic egg burritos. After that, we drove to The Rainbow Outlet so that we could stock up on some new Rainbow sandals since we won’t be able to just drive and get new one’s anytime we need too. The we drove up PCH aka Highway 1 to enjoy the coast and to head over to our most favorite beach spot in front of The Montage in Laguna Beach, which is the same location where Nick proposed.  Once at the beach, we enjoyed a couple of hours lying in the sand and soaking up the sun. It was quite the perfect So Cal day that I will greatly miss when we move Back East.